Jaded Glory

the jungle’s fame
its jaded glory
a magnet for tourists
traipsing about haughtily
clutching cheap trinkets like relics
calendar landmarks a pilgrimage
as if entitled to sacred places

on another island, not as famous
where serenity has dominance
and visitors seek permission
to enter the hallowed vales
jungle citizens thrive
lovingly admire
its jaded glory
green empire
rules all

This poem was inspired by Eugi’s Moonwashed Weekly promptjaded glory. She chose an image by Alan Frijns from Pixabay as part of the prompt.

This poetic form is the double etheree. The etheree is very similar to the nonet, except it has an extra line, giving it a syllable count of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10.

21 thoughts on “Jaded Glory

  1. I remember going on a long hike up a mountain… and remembering the line; “Leave only footprints (with the added thought of – don’t take anything either.) Which reminded me of a story about one of the Islands… that if you took home something which you shouldn’t…it would be bad luck.

    I read of a peoples (I’m sure there are many though) that when they get up in the morning the first thing they do is ‘give thanks’ more than less asking the day for blessings to proceed.

    Very nice poetry. 🙂 Thank you.

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      1. One time I took a long walk with a couple of trash bags and wore a plastic glove – just picking up litter. By one rural mailbox was a load of cigarette butts. I’m guessing that person wasn’t allowed to smoke in the house? Those butts aren’t good for small animals that may think they are food. Said that that person couldn’t have put a little metal can by the mail box and when it filled… put it in the trash. 😦

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  2. I love the contrasts between your verses, Nicole. Many don’t have respect for nature’s beauty and think of only themselves and how they can benefit from it. Beautifully penned.

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