
My Oma passed away last week Sunday. She was an absolutely wonderful woman, and her creative spirit was passed down to my mom and my aunts, and to my cousins and me. I strongly feel the urge to memorialize her through poetry.


She survived the polio
That threatened her life
And despite the doubts
Learned to ride a bike
Just like her healthy brother

She resisted during the war
That oppressed her freedom
And undeterred by the risks
Recorded the events in her village
Just like an amateur journalist

She prevailed slow economic recovery
That delayed her upcoming marriage
And in spite of the many trials
Began a family with her beloved
Just like the mother she’d dreamed of being

She persevered through sorrow
When her beloved passed away
And regardless of her increasing age
Continued to live in her own house
Just like the independent woman she was

She persisted undeterred by arthritis
That restricted her ability
And despite the struggles
Kept on knitting and painting
Just like the artist she always was
Her Hands 

They wrote poems,
gripped a paintbrush,
knitted baby blankets,
sewed many dresses,
rolled boardgame dice,
held the phone for hours

Even when arthritis
began to set in
her talented hands,
adorned by rings
symbolizing loved ones,
could always hold
another’s hand
and share love
Her Stories 

My Oma always had a story to tell

Sometimes it was historical, about living
In the occupied Netherlands during the war

On occasion it was romance, about how
My Opa won her affection and how they fell in love

Other times it was adventure, about their travels
Across Canada, Europe, and the Middle East

Every so often it was nostalgic, about when
She taught a Home Ec class in a high school

From time to time, it was with a touch of pride
Like when her artwork was displayed at the library

My Oma always had a story to tell
And they were always worth remembering
Oma with a copy of her book “Acts of Remembrance,” which recounts her experiences as a young girl living through WWII. You can purchase a copy of it here.

18 thoughts on “Remembrance

  1. Such a heartwarming tribute to your dear grandma. Beautiful verses for her free-spirited life – glad you’ve shared so many tender memories together! ❤

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